We make equestrian life easier, so you can focus on the fun things.

Welcome to Jump Caddy

These 4000 lbs. wagons come with wide turf tires that are easy on your grass and other riding areas and the functionality of a wagon allows you to easily couple together several wagons or drop a wagon where the equipment is needed. Unlike trailers there is no jack to put down and hookup can easily be done by one person. Simply drop the tongue of the wagon or roll it into place and hook up as many wagons as you need to carry your equipment.

Most of our clients hook a couple Jump Caddy wagon together with a flat deck wagon so that they can move all combination of jump equipment and fill. This combination makes it easy to move your equipment around or take it in and out of the arena for riding or storage out of the weather.


These Pole, Equipment and Hay wagons are the perfect size for hauling the remainder of your horse equipment and feed. Each wagon is customized to fit your requested needs but are usually built with a standard width of 6’ and anywhere from 6’ to 12’ feet long. You have the option of going with a flat deck or even adding a back rack to keep your hay or other equipment stable as you pull it around. The convenience of wagons makes them extremely easy to tow, hitch and unhitch and even build a train of wagons to pull everything at once.

And who doesn’t like a train…

Born from Necessity

Sometimes the best things are born out of necessity. While chatting with a  friend one day he asked me if I could find him or build him a rack to hold all of his jumping rails and some of his fill. Being naive I immediately said “no problem” and got to work looking for what he needed.

It wasn’t going to be that simple. Unfortunately while trailers are abundant the types of wagons that we wanted were nowhere to be found. Sure there was one company down in the US but the cost of the equipment and the shipping was going to be a challenge. So we went to the drawing board and figured out what we needed, sourced the parts that we could and started to fabricate the rest in the shop. What we ended up with is a platform that can be customized and configured to fit whatever ideas that you have. While we primarily build flat deck equipment wagons and caddy pole racks we are always open improving the product and incorporating new ideas.

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Jump Caddy - Pole WagonJump Caddy – Hay / Flat Deck WagonCustom Solution

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